Microthiol special

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Microthiol special 1 kg | T04716 - Gazdabolt.hu. A Microthiol special azonos a Kumulus S , 02.5/767/1/2007 MgSZHK számon engedélyezett gombaölő permetezőszerrel. Lisztharmat elleni hatékony kontakt, gombaölő szer szántóföldi és kertészeti kultúrákban. Atkagyérítő mellékhatása révén gátolja a takácsat….. Microthiol Special - gombaölő szer - Agroinform.hu. Tekintsd meg a Microthiol Special gombaölő szer adatlapját az Agroinform növényvédőszer-adatbázisában. microthiol special. Gombaölő : Microthiol Special 30 gr - zemplenmag.hu microthiol special. Microthiol Special 30 gr. Tűzveszélyesség: tűz- és robbanásveszélyes, „B" tűzveszélyességi osztály.. Microthiol Special növényvédő szer - Agromedium microthiol special. Felhasználásra vonatkozó előírások. alma, almatermésűek, birs, körte, naspolya 5-8 kg/ha - .. Microthiol Special WDG, 1 kg, Cerexagri gombaölő - Nexles. Termékleírás. A Microthiol Special egy gombaölő szer, amely a lombozatbetegségek és a megelőző és gyógyító hatású kórokozók érintkezésével működik. Aktív anyag: 80% mikronizált kén microthiol special. Jellemzők: A Microthiol Special egy olyan gombaölő szer, amely hatással van a megelőző és gyógyító hatású levél betegségekre .. Microthiol special 1 kg | T04716 - Gazdabolt.hu. Microthiol special is identical to the fungicide Kumulus S , 02.5/767/1/2007 MgSZHK approved. It is an effective contact fungicide against powdery mildew in arable and horticultural crops

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. Inhibits the late summer emergence of spider mites and leafmine…. PDF Microthiol Special. MICROTHIOL SPECIAL® mAPP 16989 A water dispersible granule containing 80% w/w sulphur for use against Powdery Mildew on sugar beet, hops, apples, vines, strawberries, swedes, turnips, winter and spring cereals, and for control of Gall Mite ("Big Bud") in blackcurrants, and for control of American Gooseberry Mildew in gooseberries. microthiol special. Láng Gazdabolt - MICROTHIOL SPEC.

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. A Microthiol Special a jól ismert és széleskörűen használt kontakt hatóanyagot a ként tartalmazza. A termékben a kén szemcsemérete optimális, így a termék jól oldódik, nem perzsel . A kén szervetlen, természetes gombaölőszer, a gombabetegségek közül a lisztharmat , a csonthéjasok levéllikakasztó betegsége ellen .. PDF Microthiol Special ® 80 Wg. Microthiol Special 80 WG, is a fungicide, acaricide-inorganic with action of contact, affecting the germina-tion of spores and the germinative tube, causing the general paralysis of the mite, stopping its damage microthiol special

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. Crops to be treated: Citrus (Citrus sp), Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), Mango (Mango indica), Cucurbitaceae (Cucumis sp.), Melon. PDF Biztonsági adatlap MICROTHIOL SPECIAL - Agrometry. MICROTHIOL SPECIAL Felülvizsgálat dátuma 18-júl.-2016 4 microthiol special. Elsősegélynyújtás 4.1 Az elsősegély-nyújtási intézkedések ismertetése Általános ajánlás Baleset esetén vagy ha nem érzi jól magát, azonnal forduljon orvoshoz (ha lehetséges mutassa fel a címkét) Szembe kerülés SZEMBE KERÜLÉS esetén: Több percig tartó óvatos öblítés vízzel.. microthiol special wg - El Filahia. CARACTÉRISTIQUES : MICROTHIOL SPECIAL est un fongicide à base de 80% de soufre micronisé atomisé en microgranules hyper-dispersibles. Le procédé DISPERSS permet dassurer une meilleure dispersibilité et mise en suspension du produit par rapport aux formulations standards. COMPOSITION : 80 % Soufre USAGE :. PDF Nemzeti Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal. Microthiol Special 2025.12.31. UPL Europe Ltd (The Centre Birchwood Park, Warrington, WA3 6YN Egyesült Királyság) UPL Europe Ltd (Egyesült Királyság) gombaöl ő szer vízben diszpergálható granulátum ISO név kén CAS szám 7704-34-9 IUPAC név kén részaránya 800 g/kg -biztonsági Hivatal - és Agrárkörnyezet-védelmi microthiol special. MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERSS - Doziranje, Primjena - Agroklub.com. Opis sredstva. MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERSS je fungicid i akaricid koji se koristi za suzbijanje biljnih bolesti i grinja u voćarstvu, vinogradarstvu, povrćarstvu i ratarstvu, te na drvenastom šumskom i ukrasnom bilju. Registarski broj. UP/I-320-20/16-03/198.. Microthiol Special, fungicid pe baza de sulf - SemintePlante.ro. Cum actioneaza fungicidul Microthiol Special. Microthiol Special este un fungicid cu actiune de contact asupra ciupercilor patogene, avand un efect preventiv si curativ in combaterea fainarilor. Sulful are o actiune favorabile asupra cresterii si dezvoltarii plantelor si nu lasa reziduuri in plante. microthiol special. Upl | Uk. UPL Europe Ltd (Warrington) Engine Rooms, Birchwood Park, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 6YN, United Kingdom. Microthiol Max növényvédő szer - Agromedium. SPe 3 - Microthiol Special A vízi szervezetek védelme érdekében a felszíni vizektől 5 m távolságban tartson meg egy kezeletlen, növényzettel borított (lehetőleg zárt gyep) biztonsági övezetet!. Microthiol Special - UPL Fungicides. A micronised water dispersible formulation of sulphur which may be used to correct a sulphur imbalance in crops and for control of powdery mildew in a wide range of Agricultural and Horticultural crops. Microthiol® Special is a protectant fungicide and disease control is achieved by contact action microthiol special. DIRECTIONS FOR USE.

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. Microthiol Special - UPL Fungicides. As Microthiol Special is a preventive fungicide, spraying should be carried out before the disease has become established in the crop microthiol special. Certain varieties of fruit trees, bushes and vines may be damaged by sulphur sprays microthiol special. The form of the spray, district, soil and weather conditions and type of stock all affect the degree of sulphur shyness.. Microthiol Special Dispers - Twiga Chemical Industries Limited microthiol special. Microthiol special disperse acts by contact and through vapour action. When applied to the plant, vapours are released. The powdery mildew mycelium produces hydrogen, which reacts with sulphur to form hydrogen sulphide, a gas toxic to the fungal pathogen.. Gombaölő szer 404-es hiba microthiol special. A kért termék nem létezik.


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. Kukorica vetőmag árlista 2023-2024 2023. november 19. (vasárnap) Kukorica vetőmag, napraforgó vetőmag 2023-2024 évi szezoni árlista Mi az amit nyújtunk, miért érdemes nálunk vásárolni? visszaigazolt megrendelését biztosan a megrendeléskori áron kapja meg kizárólag fémzárolt vetőmagvakat hozunk forgalomba forgalmazást engedéllyel végezzünk, üzletünk tagja a Vetőmag.. 20100601000000011096 | ephy - Anses. 1ère autorisation : 04/06/1998 Autorisé Aller aux usages seconds noms commerciaux : SULFOL LS, SULFORIX LS, THIOVIT GOLD MICROBILLES, CITROTHIOL DG, COLLOMIC SP, COLPENN DG, PENNTHIOL, SOFRIL GD, SOUFREBE DG Substances et formulation Composition (de la spécialité) en substance active soufre Sous forme de : soufre triture ventile : 800 g/kg. Microthiol Special 80 WG - Seracsa. Microthiol Special 80 WG. Microthiol Special® 80 WG es un fungicida - acaricida de contacto hecho a base de azufre al 80% y formulado como granulo dispersable para disolverse en agua.Como fungicida afecta la germinación de esporas y del tubo germinativo, y como efecto simultáneo se causa la parálisis general en los ácaros.. MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERSS | Epagro. MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERSS é um fungicida inorgânico de superfície à base de enxofre. Inibe vários processos metabólicos, actuando em diversas enzimas. Actua por libertação de vapores de enxofre, com carácter preventivo e curativo.. PDF Extension of Authorisation for A Minor Use of A Plant Protection Product. Microthiol Special with MAPP 19419 is the reference product. HSE Digital Signature This and the attached Appendices 1 and 2 are signed by the Health and Safety Executive ("HSE") for and on behalf of the Secretary of State, the Welsh Ministers, the Scottish Ministers and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural. Microthiol Special WDG, 1 kg, Cerexagri | Nexles United Kingdom microthiol special


Microthiol Special is a fungicide that works by contacting foliar diseases and pathogens with preventive and curative effects. Treated plants: Vine, Аpple, Peach, Cucumber, Tobacco, Wheat, Barley Diseases and Fungi: Powdery mildew. Microthiol Special is a fungicide that acts by contacting foliar diseases and pathogens with preventive and curative effect.. Produse | UPL. Strada Izvor 92-96, clădirea Forum III, etaj 4, birou A, sector 5, București, România. Tel.: 0040 21 529 5544. Fax: 0040 21 529 5545. Email: [email protected]. PDF Safety Data Sheet - Nufarm. Microthiol Disperss is involved microthiol special. Special Protective Equipment for fire fighters Accumulation of dusts and fines associated with industrial processing may pose a dust explosion hazard. Specific hazards arising from the chemical Other Information STOP FIRE WATER FROM ENTERING DRAINS OR WATER BODIES microthiol special. 6. Accidental release measures. Autres MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERSS UPL - aladin.farm microthiol special. MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERSS® est un fongicide/acaricide de biocontrôle à base de souffre mouillable. Il assure une triple protection : • préventif : bloque la germination des conidies dès le début de la contamination, • curatif : élimine les filaments mycéliens pendant la phase de colonisation du végétal, • éradiquant : détruit les organes de multiplication : conidiophores et .. Labels for MICROTHIOL DISPERSS (70506-187) | US EPA. EPA Reg. No microthiol special. Transferred Date Previous Company; 4581-373: October 22, 2007: UNITED PHOSPHORUS, INC


44420-1: November 09, 1988: LES RAFFINERIES DE SOUFRE. Microthiol Special 80 WG - Seracsa. Microthiol Special 80 WG. Microthiol Special™ 80 WG is a contact fungicide-acaricide made of 80% sulfur and it is formulated as a dispersible wettable granule. As a fungicide it controls spore germination and on germ tube, and as a secondary effect it provokes general paralysis on mites.. PDF MICROTHIOL® SPECIAL DISPERSS® - global-uploads.webflow.com. MODE DEMPLOI : Verser MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERSS® en pluie progressivement dans la quantité deau nécessaire en agitant le mélange. Quelle que soit la culture, ne pas appliquer MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERSS® dès que la température risque de dépasser 28°C sous abri dans les 24 heures suivant lapplication. microthiol special. Microthiol Disperss Micronized Sulfur - BuildASoil

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. Microthiol Disperss Micronized Sulfur is an 80% fungicide and acaracide with sulfur particles of 9 microns or less, providing increased superior coverage on crops microthiol special. Micron size ranges from 0.82 - 9.0 with an average size of 2.5 microthiol special. SULFUR DF can be applied by air or ground and is labeled on over 50 crops and multiple mite. PDF Extension of Authorisation for A Minor Use of A Plant Protection Product. Microthiol Special with MAPP 19419 is the reference product. HSE Digital Signature This and the attached Appendices 1 and 2 are signed by the Health and Safety Executive ("HSE") for and on behalf of the Secretary of State, the Welsh Ministers, the Scottish Ministers and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural. PDF Microthiol® Special Disperss®. MODE DEMPLOI : Verser MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERSS® en pluie progressivement dans la quantité deau nécessaire en agitant le mélange


Quelle que soit la culture, ne pas appliquer MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERSS® dès que la température risque de dépasser 28°C sous abri dans les 24 heures suivant lapplication.. PDF CATÁLOGO Frutal - UPL. Thiopron, Microthiol Special Disperss Thiopron, Microthiol Special Disperss Vondozeb GD, Syllit Max RSR Disperss Novicure, RSR Disperss Cumden Devrinol F, Silbos microthiol special. Este catálogo ha sido impreso en noviembre 2020 microthiol special. La información que contiene ha sido actualizada conforme a las condiciones de autorización de los productos en esta fecha. microthiol special. Potato Foliar Fungicides - Bugwoodwiki. Microthiol Special: Powder Mildew 5 lb per acre Will also help control the Two-Spotted Mite. Sulfur 6 Flowable: Powder Mildew 3-4 pt per acre Sulfur 6L: . State rules and regulations and special pesticide use allowances may vary from state to state: contact your State Department of Agriculture for the rules, regulations and allowances .. UPL | Chile. We will get back to you shortly microthiol special. PortalTecnoagrícola - Producto: MICROTHIOL Special Disperss vademécum .. PortalTecnoagrícola - Producto: MICROTHIOL Special Disperss vademécum España microthiol special

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. ESPAÑA. Productos agricultura convencional. MICROTHIOL Special Disperss. Lo sentimos, pero el producto que busca se encuentra descatalogado en la actualidad. Puede localizar el producto que se comercializa actualmente pulsando aquí.. Škropilni program za ekološko varstvo vinske trte 2023. MICROTHIOL SPECIAL, MICROTHIOL DISPRESS, PEPELIN, SULFAR, THIOVIT JET, VINDEX 80 WG Letna količina uporabljenega bakra na istem zemljišču ne sme presegati 4 kg čistega bakra na ha microthiol special. Proti črni pegavosti škropimo predvsem vinograde z močno prisotnostjo bolezni oz

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. kjer je bila bolezen prisotna v prejšnjem letu, pred napovedanimi padavinami. microthiol special. Solarex - SCHEMA DE TRATAMENTE POMI FRUCTIFERI -. | Facebook. - PACHET TRATAMENT III POMI ( TOPSEN EXTRA + MICROTHIOL SPECIAL +CAPTADIN +ZEBRA)- pt.10l si 100l apa microthiol special. Ingrasamant foliar AGRI PHITE 600 - 3,0-6,0 l/ha( 50 ml/10l apa). - FRUCT - 10-15 mm - pentru monilioza, patarea rosie, fainare, vierme spp microthiol special. , minierul marmorat, afide, paianjenul rosu , acarieni comuni : microthiol special. PDF CATÁLOGO Fresa - UPL. Microthiol® Special Disperss Azufre 80% WG 2,5 - 7,5 kg/ha Oídio Thiopron 825 Azufre 82,5% SC 2,5 - 7 l/ha Oídio Zoxis 250 SC Azoxistrobin 25% SC 0,8-1 l/ha Oídio Biocontrol Composición Dosis Acción Vacciplant® Max Laminarin 4,5% SL 1-3 l/ha Botritis, oídio microthiol special. Fungicides in Kenya

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. Crop Disease & Pests Protection - Twiga Chemicals. MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERS Read more. MILTHANE SUPER Read more microthiol special. RIZOLEX 50WP Read more. TWIGA-EPOX 250SC Read more. TWIGATHALONIL 720SC Read more. VITRA 40 WG Read more. Twiga Chemical Industries Limited. Nanyuki Rd Industrial Area, Nairobi Phone: +254 722 207 847 Email: [email protected]. Quick Links. Vegetable Seeds;. PDF Management Recommendations for the Lychee Erinose Mite (LEM) - Growables. FIFRA Section 24(c) Special Local Need Label FOR DISTRIBUTION AND USE ONLY WITHIN THE STATE OF FLORIDA MICROTHIOL DISPERSS EPA REG microthiol special. 70506-187 EPA SLN NO. : FL-200003 For use for the control of exotic lychee erinose mite (Aceria litchi) infestations on lychee (Litchi chinensis). Growers may use to prevent lychee erinose mite infestations. PDF Texas Agricultural Extension Service - Gregg. Microthiol Special Caution 24 hours - EM-53 Liquid Sulfur Caution 24 hours - Thiolux Caution 24 hours - tebuconazole Elite 45DF Warning 12 hours - thiophanate methyl Topsin-M 85 WDG Caution 12 hours - Topsin-M 4.5 F Caution 12 hours - triforine Funginex 18.2% EC Danger 12 hours - vinclozolin Ronilan DF Caution 12 hours - ziram Ziram 76 Danger .. Leen Struik posted on LinkedIn. Leen Struik posted images on LinkedIn

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. PDF CATÁLOGO Tomate - UPL. Microthiol® Special Disperss Azufre 80% WG 2,5-7,5 kg/ha Oídio, araña roja, eriófidos Mitrus Miclobutanil 12,5% EC 0,2-0,6 l/ha Oídio Novicure Sulfato tribásico de cobre 40% WG 2-3 kg/ha Antracnocis, alternaria, mildiu, bacteriosis Planet® 72 WP Metalaxil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP 2,2-2,5 kg/ha Mildiu Planet Plus Metalaxil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP microthiol special. PDF Safety Data Sheet - Amazon Web Services, Inc.. 12-373 Microthiol® Disperss® Revision date 30-Nov-2018 Precautionary Statements - Prevention Wash face, hands and any exposed skin thoroughly after handling . Indication of Any Immediate Medical Attention and Special Treatment Needed Notes to physician No information available microthiol special


Treat symptomatically. 5. Fire-fighting measures. Turnip & Mustard | Texas Plant Disease Handbook. Microthiol Special (sulfur) 3 - 10 lb: 14 day: Begin at first sigh on foliage symptoms. Can be applied up to harvest. Effective against Powdery Mildew only microthiol special. Thiolux (sulfur) 3 - 10 lb: 10 - 14 day: Same as Microthiol Special. Table 3. Fungicides Approved For The Control Of Alternaria Leaf Spot: Fungicide: Rate/A:. Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance .. The representative formulated products for the evaluation were Thiovit Jet, Microthiol Special Disperss, Kumulus WG and Netzschwefel Stulln all water-dispersible granule (WG) formulations containing 800 g/kg of sulfur, and Sulphur Dust a dustable powder (DP) formulation containing 985 g/kg of sulfur.. PDF end-1 - WPMU DEV. most assessment dates). Microthiol Sulfur was effective than the four coppers tested (Champt Kocide 2000, GX-569s and GX-270). It was one of the best treatments tested (mildew severity was among the lowest 7 of the 19 treatments tested). Coppers were moderately effective.. The Lychee Erinose Mite Aceria litchii (Keifer) (Acari: Eriophyidae) - EDIS. The lychee erinose mite is an important pest of lychee and is found in lychee-producing countries in Asia and South America and in Australia, Hawaii, and Brazil, where it has has caused an estimated 70-80% yield reduction and a 20% increase in production costs. Found in Lee County, Florida, in 2018, it has since spread to several counties in central and south Florida.. Bağ küllemesine karşı etkili bir çözüm arıyorsanız, Microthiol Special .. Bağ küllemesine karşı etkili bir çözüm arıyorsanız, Microthiol Special® Disperss® aradığınız ürün. Microthiol Special® Disperss® hakkında detaylı bilgi.. Leen Struik on LinkedIn: UPL | Nederland. Sales Manager Nederland bij UPL Benelux BV 7mo Report this post Report Report


Chemical Treatments in "Golden Delicious Spur" Fruits in Relation to .. The ProVide and Microthiol treatments reduced the damaged fruit area and the percentage of damaged fruits in comparison to control (trees without application, T0) microthiol special. The application of calcium nitrate and Dithane increased the percentage of damaged area in relation to control, whereas the use of Packhard increased the percentage of fruits with .. PDF Safety Data Sheet - Default Store View microthiol special. MICROTHIOL SPECIAL Safety Data Sheet This safety data sheet was created pursuant to the requirements of: Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 Preparation Date 02-Apr-2014 Revision date 20-Mar-2020 Revision Number: 5 Section 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1.1 Identification of the product Product code FCG02. Table - PMC - National Center for Biotechnology Information. Microthiol Special (800 g/kg sulfur), 20-30 g/10 L water: V1: V2: 4th: 27/08: Curative/ powdery mildew: Microthiol Special (800 g/kg sulfur), 20-30 g/10 L water: V1: V2: 5th: 04/09: Curative/ powdery mildew: Microthiol Special (800 g/kg sulfur), 20-30 g/10 L water: V1: V2. Marcel van Doorne on LinkedIn: UPL | Nederland. This button displays the currently selected search type. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. microthiol special. UPL | Australia microthiol special. This site uses cookies to improve security, performance, and to better understand how users navigate the site. This is done so we can make improvements to our website for future users.. Δελτίο δεδομένων ασφαλείας. Microthiol Special WG Ημερομηνία αναθεώρησης 26-Οκτ-2020 • Πάχος γαντιών : > 0,4 mm Προστασία δέρματος και σώματος • Φοράτε πρότυπη φόρμα και προστατευτική ενδυμασία Κατηγορίας 3 τύπου 5. microthiol special. PDF CATÁLOGO Olivo. Microthiol Special Disperss microthiol special. Este catálogo ha sido impreso en enero 2021. La información que contiene ha sido actualizada conforme a las condiciones de autorización de los productos en esta fecha. UPL Iberia S.A. no se hace responsable de los cambios de autorizaciones producidos posteriormente o posibles erratas de microthiol special. Marcel van Doorne on LinkedIn: UPL | Nederland. Door formuleringstechniek(fijnheid en regenvastheid) geeft Microthiol Special Liquid extra bescherming in de bietenteelt tegen aantasting van bladschimmels!. Leen Struik on LinkedIn: UPL | Nederland. Sales Manager Nederland bij UPL Benelux BV 7mo Report this post Report Report. Marcel van Doorne on LinkedIn: UPL | Nederland microthiol special. Door formuleringstechniek(fijnheid en regenvastheid) geeft Microthiol Special Liquid extra bescherming in de bietenteelt tegen aantasting van bladschimmels! microthiol special. PDF www.upl-ltd microthiol special. Microthiol Special Disperss Azufre 80% WG 2,5 - 7,5 kg/ha Oídio Thiopron 825 Azufre 82,5% SC 2,5 - 7 l/ha Oídio Zoxis 250 SC Azoxistrobin 25% SC 0,8-1 l/ha Oídio Bioestimulantes Composición Dosis Acción Goactiv Goteo Ascophyllum nodosum + P 2 O 5 (13%) + K 2 O (5%) SL 1-3 l/ha Maximiza el desarrollo de la raíz. Activa la toma de nutrientes. PDF CATÁLOGO Olivo - UPL microthiol special. Microthiol® Special Disperss Azufre 80% WG 0,25-0,75% Negrilla Novicure® Sulfato tribasico de cobre 40% WG 0,30% Repilo Syllit® Max Dodina 54,4% 1,25-1,65 l/ha Repilo y antracnosis Talman 30-20 Mancozeb 20% + Oxiclo-ruro de cobre 30% WP 0,3-0,375 % Repilo Tebuzol 25 Tebuconazol 25 0,06% Repilo Fisioactivadores Composición Dosis Acción. Vegetable Report 2001. ABOUT THIS COLLECTION. The Vegetable Report is one of several commodity-based agricultural research reports published by the University of Arizona.. Leen Struik on LinkedIn: UPL | Nederland. Sales Manager Nederland bij UPL Benelux BV 8mo Report this post Report Report. Növényvédő szerek listája - Wikipédia. Besorolási (forgalmi) kategóriák. I.: Csak felsőfokú növényvédelmi képesítéssel rendelkező személy által forgalmazhatók, árusíthatók, vásárolhatók és használhatók fel a vonatkozó jogszabályok betartásával. II.: Csak középfokú növényvédelmi képesítéssel vagy külön jogszabályban meghatározott tanfolyam elvégzése alapján kiadott engedéllyel rendelkező .. PDF Nitrogen Fertilization and Plant Population for Subsurface Drip .. wheat mite infestation in early August was controlled by Microthiol Special at 8 lb ai/acre. The onions were lifted on September 13. On September 20, the onions in the central 40 ft of the middle two double rows in each subplot were topped and boxed. The boxes were placed into storage on September 24. The storage shed was managed to. Powdery Mildew - UC Statewide IPM Program. (Microthiol Disperss) 5-6 lb : 24 : 0 : . See label for special phytotoxicity precautions. ‡ Restricted entry interval (REI) is the number of hours (unless otherwise noted) from treatment until the treated area can be safely entered without protective clothing. Preharvest interval (PHI) is the number of days from treatment to harvest. microthiol special. Microthiol Special Disperss, Fungicida Acaricida de UPL Iberia. Descripción. NOMBRE DEL PRODUCTO microthiol special. Microthiol Special Disperss®. CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL PRODUCTO. Azufres presentados en forma de gránulos dispersables en agua para aplicar en pulverización foliar de acción. fungicida y acaricida. Efi caz en el control de oídios, oídiopsis, erinosis, araña roja y otros ácaros. Aplicaciones. microthiol special. PDF CATÁLOGO Lechuga - UPL


Microthiol® Special Disperss Azufre 80% WG 250-600 g/hl (max. 4 kg/ha) Oídio, araña roja, eriófidos Novicure® Sulfato tribásico de cobre 40% WG 180-250 g/hl Alternaria, mildiu, bacteriosis Proplant Propamocarb 60,5% SL 1,5 l/ha Mildiu Insecticidas Composición Dosis Acción Avanguard Alfa Cipermetrin 10% EC 0,1 l/ha Gusanos del suelo . microthiol special. PDF Ficha de datos de seguridad - Unicomtrol. MICROTHIOL SPECIAL DISPERSS Ficha de datos de seguridad Esta ficha de datos de seguridad ha sido elaborada de conformidad con los requisitos de: Reglamento (CE) Nº 1907/2006 + Reglamento (UE) n º 2015/830 de 28 de Mayo de 2015 Fecha de emisión 11-jul.-2012 Fecha de revisión 20-nov.-2020 Número de Revisión: 5 Sección 1. microthiol special.